Personalized DIrect Mail

As digital advertising has given marketers a way to measure and track audience engagement through techniques like cookie placement and pixel tracking, ad spend has moved away from traditional methods like direct mail. QR Codes can provide an inexpensive, but powerful way to track physical advertising campaigns on a one-to-one basis.

This sample app provides an example of how to use personalized QR Codes to track response of pre-addressed direct mail to households. In this example, household addresses are preloaded as contact objects into Openscreen.

Each address generates a QR Code which will be printed on the direct mail pieces. When scanned, the direct mail marketer will know which household has scanned the form and will be able to capture valuable information about that household via a web form, which includes the relevant consent permissions.


Workflow of the App

  • The marketer creates a site where prospects who scan their postcard can enter information (which products they are interested in, etc).

  • The direct mail company uses Openscreen to:

    • Post 500 addresses as Openscreen contact objects

    • Generate a unique QR Code for each address

    • Direct the QR scan to the prospect website

    • Append any prospect information to the relevant Contact object

Using unique QR Codes, personalized direct mail can reach new levels of effectiveness, analytics and measurability, rivaling even digital advertising media.

Personalized Direct Mail

Core Objects Used in This Application